Is there a way to set security permissions at a field level? I've added a field to the Customer Table (18) and added that field to the Customer Card Form (21). All users should have access to the Customer Card Form but only a few users should have the ability to modify the new field that I've added to the form. Is there a way to achieve this using NAV Security Roles? Is there a better way of achieving this? Any input would be a great help.
Sorry, i think we misunderstood again. U remember some days back we had similar kind of confusion when somebody did ask for exam dumps LOL. In that post i almost ended up selling dumps. LOL
In sql you can filter records by some values, but that not field level security.
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
You can do this by customising on change log. In change log in NAV, each field changes will be logged in Change log entry. You then only need to write a code to check the Change Log Entry to see if the field to be checked is being modified. And just issue an error if the check fails.
the first thing that will happen is that nav will stop working.
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
In standard NAV you can only set this level of permission on a full table level. Once you have modify rights on the Item table, you have that permission on all fields. You can set a filter in the security (for instance only Items with Item Category 123), but for the Items that are in your category, you can modify all fields.
Standard NAV does not provide field level security. Not in Native and also not in SQL Server.
MVP - Dynamics NAV
I'm sure there are others
what we did, is make a new form, and only give the users who need to use access.
the standard form, doesn't have the fields, this way no one ever gets to the new form, by navigation
I have written code that handles this. It basically uses the Change log management code, and checks if something is setup for a table by doing a OR between standard GetGlobalTriggerMask and the custom mask generated from the setup.
Problem here is that OnGlobalModify only kicks off when writing the record away. Because if you say that you do not have permission to change field 4, but field 4 is filled in when validating field 1 - an error will be thrown when entering a value in field 1.
I could not find a way to determine direct vs. indirect changes on field level in a generic fashion.
Any ideas?
Ewald Venter