i'm a new french user of Employee Portal. I have a database for Navsion with many items.
But the pictures isn't store in navision's database (blob field). It's a file stored in another server (like "N° of item".bmp).
For example, the code was modify with this :
IF EXISTS(InventorySetup."Picture directory" + "No." + '.bmp') THEN
Picture.import(InventorySetup."Picture directory" + "No." + '.bmp');
So, in EP, i can't show picture from another server. After many search on google i don't find anything about this...
I would like to know, if i modify the navision's code (codeunit 6816 ??)
I can have my picture on sharepoint website ? It's possible to show a picture from a file of another server directly into sharepoint ?
Thank you for your help to a french newbie

(Excuse me for my bad English accent :oops: )