Insert Different Bank accounts into Reminders.

JonAJonA Member Posts: 23
We currently have reminders set up to show the Bank account from the company
information table, the problem I have is that we also trade in other
countries and I want to be able to specify a different bank account and sort
code depending on the Country/Region Code. Is this possible without getting
into writing some C/AL code? Otherwise I guess I'll have to add in an IF THEN
ELSE statement with some variables but being an absolute beginner at this I
don't know where to start.
Using Microsoft Dynamics Nav 5.0
Any tips/links greatly appreciated.


  • DaveTDaveT Member Posts: 1,039

    This is not standard and will need to be coded so you'll probably need help with it. Firstly you need to decide on the solution on how to link the bank accounts - possibly using the country code of the bank?

    Then the reminder report will need to be modified - i.e. create a variable of type record Subtype Bank Account. Get the bank details on the criteria you decide e.g. country code and print on the header.

    This is a fairly straightforward modification/coding to do. Do you have a collegue who can help or possibly get your partner involved.

    Hope this helps.
    Dave Treanor

    Dynamics Nav Add-ons
  • DaveTDaveT Member Posts: 1,039
    P.S. Welcome to Mibuso :mrgreen:
    Dave Treanor

    Dynamics Nav Add-ons
  • JonAJonA Member Posts: 23
    Thanks anyway.

    I was trying to do it without incurring a cost from our partners but I guess there's no option.
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