mexican taxation system

stephanikaathurstephanikaathur Member Posts: 2
edited 2009-04-23 in General Chat
What do you think of the mexican taxation system? Here's how it works, the richer you are the less percentage you pay. I'm middle class. I make about 30,000 American dollars per year, so I get taxed 10%, that's 3,000 I pay yearly. Some who make 10,000 American dollars yearly will pay 20% in tax, that's 2,000 per year. The way the government sees it, the rich pay more money than poor, so it's only far for them to pay a lower percentage of their income. If I made more money, the percentage of taxes would be lower. The rich pay a very low percentage. Do you think it's only fair for the rich to be taxed a lower percentage than the poor because they pay more money than the poor?
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  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,118
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    What do you think of the mexican taxation system?

    Sounds like it sucks, but which one doesn't?

    Personally I wish there was no tax on income. I think it should be on goods everyone uses (food, services, vehicles, clothing, fuel, etc).
    Tax it very high, people won't complain because their income isn't being taxed.
    This also eliminates the underground economy, like those who work off the books or who are doing illegal stuff.

    If you but more things you pay more taxes.
    This way everyone pays evenly.
    as an after effect perhaps people wouldn't over-eat as much knowing how much it costs and not to be wasteful or use fuel efficient cars, etc.

    When I own my own Island one day - I'll put it into effect :mrgreen:
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