Pop-up image in reports

onyangofredonyangofred Member Posts: 4
Is it possible to have a popup window that displays images?
E.g. assuming I have a list-report and don't want the vertical spacing to be big, can I implement the report such that, on mouse-hover, an image corresponding to a specific record/line is diplayed. I'm using NAV 5.0
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  • SogSog Member Posts: 1,023
    Not possible in reports.
    Reports are designed with the idea that it ends on paper.
    So reports don't have any triggers when they have been printed.

    A pop-up window could be possible through automation.
    In NAV you could achieve something similar with opening an extra form (when the form based on this maximised, your pop-up form will also be maximised) and let the user manually close it.
    Or automaticly close the form with nTimer (which is also automation)
    But there are no mouse triggers in nav.
    |Pressing F1 is so much faster than opening your browser|
  • matttraxmatttrax Member Posts: 2,309
    Yeah, if that's required functionality for the customer I would build a buffer table with a form on top of it. Fill in the buffer table with the columns from your report. So they would process just like they normally do, but the output would end up in the table rather than on the report page.

    Then you can have an image load on the side or they can click a button or something.
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    matttrax wrote:
    Then you can have an image load on the side or they can click a button or something.
    If You go that Route you can call the Item Picture form

    You can put that onValidate of a new boolean field "View Pic".

    As far as the report goes if the pictures are external - how about a link/shortcut :-k ??
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