Old Fields in NAV upgrade 3.6 to 5.0

Cindy101Cindy101 Member Posts: 33

I'm in the process of merging the customized objects from 3.6 with 5.0 sp1 objects and have gotten a bit stuck. I've run into many fields that were once in 3.6, but are no longer being used and are not in 5.0.

So far I've run into a dozen or so of them, and most of them were not being used in the 3.6 version of the client's DB, so I could just remove them, but some of them are populated and some with information that they most likely wan to save. A very good example is the contact field of the job table (62 - Contact), it looks like this was replaced with in 5.0 with Bill-to Contact (1003 - Bill-to Contact). My dev. license doesn't allow me to create a field in that range, so I'm thinking I could use a dataport in situations like this, but it seems there should be an easier way...

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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