Hi All,
When attaching a valid Tax Structure to the Sales Quote, and initiating Functions --> Calculate Structure Values, the related tax values are not calculated at all with the developer licence.
The same process when executed using client licence raises an error that "Entries cannot be deleted from Detailed Tax Entry Buffer table"
The above two scenarois, i.e., Calculation of Structure Values using Client Licence and Developer Licence is working fine on lower versions (NAV 4.0, NAV 5.0).
Is it the limitation of NAV 2009 or are there any extra setup related issues with respect to Sales Quotation. The same setup is working fine at Sales Order and Sales Invoice level. Can anybody suggest me how to go about???
Siva Teja
Thank You
Friend Ship is just like breeze.. you can't smell it, touch it,hold it.
You need to contact MS for the same as the license file seems to miss the related table for deletion. Sales Tax module/granule consist of all the localization objects and the required permissions.
It is working fine here and with no extra setup/configuration.
Udaykumar Akunuri
You can't calculate structure in the Sale Quote in fresh Cronus India Ltd. Databse
Function Name : GetInputTaxCreditg
I wonder it will have any impact on the calculations.
(i got a doubt regarding permissions that's why i asked..........)
Udaykumar Akunuri
Add the code regarding Quote in code unit 13704
Friend Ship is just like breeze.. you can't smell it, touch it,hold it.
Simulation pret