LS Retail- Waiting ICT Requests clarification.

DeepDeep Member Posts: 569
Hello all.

This is regarding a clarification for "Retail ICT Process" in LS Retail.
The default code processes the entire waiting ICT requests in one go as a batch. This is troublesome, as if any one ICT record has got any error, the entire waiting ICT records got stuck, and further gets piled and piled up, which takes hours to get processed after fixing the error, which in turn, restricts the other users to post anything.

I am unable to understand the logic behind the same as to why it has been coded as a batch process.
Everytime, we need to filter and exclude the erring document no. in the code and process the remaining records.

Has anyone worked towards tweaking the code locationwise, or ICT number wise, or else?
If so, please share how it is done.

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