Reversing a PutAway

ajmalsherifajmalsherif Member Posts: 111

I would like confirmation that the following steps are correct when reversing a putaway at a location with Directed Put Away/Pick and where Receipt, Shipment and Adjustment bins have been identified.

The standard way would be to invoice the multi line PO and then raise a Purchase Credit note. However, this would result in cancelling a PO when items have still to be received (messy...)

Another method would be to use a warehouse Item journal to move items from a storage bin back to the receipt Bin. Once this journal has been Registered you should (?) be able to Undo Receipt on the Posted Purchase Receipt. However, I get a message 'You cannot undo lines because there is not sufficiebnty quantity in the receiving bin'


  • klavinklavin Member Posts: 117
    You need to make sure the inventory full quantity that was received is back in the defined "Receipt Bin Code". Normally from mostly all warehouse functions it is blocked from moving inventory back into this bin... I haven't checked a whse. item journal, but I knew it was for mostly everthing (movements, reclass, etc). Below there was an article on doing something with it.

    searched the forum with: "undo receipt bin":


    That may help you out

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