
NAV upgrade 3.6 to 5.0 sp1

Cindy101Cindy101 Member Posts: 33
Hello Mibuso,

I'm about to start an upgrade for a client and am pretty nervous. I've done plenty of research but have yet to do a full upgrade (let alone 2 versions at once!) and am hoping somebody can tell me if I've got all the steps right.

Here goes:

1. Upgrade to version 4 sp 3
A. Get a set of all the needed objects
1) Customized client 3.6 objects
2) Base 3.6 objects
3) Base 4.0 sp3 objects
B. Merge customized 3.6 objects with version 4 objects
1) For this I'll be using MergeTool (http://www.mergetool.com)
2) This seems mostly straight forward, base 3.6 + custom 3.6 + base 4.0 -> custom 4.0
C. From here I'll be applying the objects to the copy of the clients DB, replacing all
D. Now I should run the 4.0 sp3 upgrade toolkit to do data modifications (not too sure about this, still need to find some
E. At this point I should have a function 4.0 sp3 version of their DB and should repeat all the steps for 5.0 sp1
2. Upgrade to version 5.0 sp1
A. Get a set of all the needed objects
1) Customized 4.0 objects
2) Base 4.0 objects
3) Base 5.0 objects
B. Merge customized 4.0 objects with 5.0 objects
C. Apply custom objects to client 4.0 DB
D. Run 5.0 sp1 upgrade toolkit - perform the data modifications
E. I should now have a functioning version 5.0 sp1 copy of the client's DB
3. Testing, Testing, Testing
4. Give the DB to the client for more Testing Testing Testing
A. Run the two in parallel to find any problems/differences
B. Fix any problems along the way
5. Find a good time (probably over a weekend) to apply the 5.o sp1 set of objects to the live database
A. Back up the live database
B. Apply the object set
C. Run the upgrade toolkit for data modifications
6. Go LIVE!
7. Have some drinks...

If somebody could critique the list, maybe point out shortcuts or where I might be going wrong it would help out immeasurably!

Thanks in advance

We have allotted 2 weeks time for just the DB/objects conversion phase, with another couple weeks set aside for testing, does this sound about right?

Some things I've learned so far posting for posterity's sake
- Swap 1.B.2.c with 1.B.2.d
- Swap 2.c with 2.d
- THERE IS A BIG DIFFERENCE between version w1 and NA


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    ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,256
    A couple of questions.

    How many objects have been modified?
    why to 5.0 sp1? you can go to 2009 classic. Think of it as 5.0 sp2.

    Also have you read this thread?


    It will save you time on merging the objects twice.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

    blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
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    Cindy101Cindy101 Member Posts: 33
    Thanks for that post, I may do a last minute switch to 2009 classic :D

    With the classic version I don't need to bother with the pages and layouts? This was one of the reasons we chose sp1, though not practiced I am pretty familiar with the standard upgrade process.

    Also it looks like I'll be getting by with only one merge (whew!) and then 2 uses of the upgrade toolkit.

    As for the modified objects it doesn't look all too bad
    213 total objects modified
    109 that are < 50,000 ID range

    Would it be easier with this set to re-implement the changes, or to do a merge?

    * Another question - This client has multiple companies(8) in their DB, are there special steps needed for these? I am only familiar with upgraded one company.
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    ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,256
    If it's only about 100 objects modified, then it's straight forward merge and upgrade.
    Don't need to re implement.

    How big is the db?

    as far as 8 companies, you'll have to run this data upgrade 8 times from 3.6 to 4.x and then from 4. to 2009.

    You don't need to mess with pages. Leave them as is.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

    blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
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    Cindy101Cindy101 Member Posts: 33
    Looks like the client wants to stick with sp1. Fine by me that means more work in the future 8)

    The DB isn't all too big, the backup (native) is about 2.5 gigs, and I expanded it to an 8 gig restore.

    I figured there had to be a catch with all the companies, but it seems the toolkit kind of just does it's thing automatically, so once everything is merged it shouldn't be too bad.

    Thanks a ton for all the help!
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    ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,256
    Have you tried to explain to the client the difference?
    Why do they want to be on 5.0 sp1?

    There are a lot of bugs that are fixed in 2009.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

    blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
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    navheronavhero Member Posts: 8
    Hi Cindy101, ara3n and everyone else,

    Cindy101, hopefully you get through your task successfully by now :). If you have any advice, please share :).

    I have the similar situation, that is upgrade from 3.6 to 5.0 sp1 (also 8 companies). Inventory and Jobs functionalities are not used (and no related posted data), so that should make upgrade little easier. On the other hand, there are a lot of customizations made.

    I have a question about intermediate step (upgrade to NAV 40) and object merging. I am not sure how to approach this.
    Seems to me like the logical step is (if I understood correctly) is to:
    1. Copy all field modifications from existing 3.6 to fresh version of localized Cronus 40 (use Field table or txt merging if I came across license issue)
    2. Make Objects40.fob from all objects from this mixed 40 version
    3. Use Objects40.fob with Upgrade Toolkit to migrate data to intermediate NAV 40 (data migration should be performed 8 times for every company)

    4. Use DB from step 3 as basis for Migration to NAV5 using Upgrade Toolkit (and objects merged for upgrade from 3.6 to 50)

    Is this good approach to skip full object migration to 40?


    and thank you ara3n for replies on this and other topic
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    ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,256
    Yep that's the approach. You got it right navhero.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

    blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
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    David_SingletonDavid_Singleton Member Posts: 5,479
    I would personally NOT recommend upgrading to NAV 2009. The version was meant for new clients, and really if you want to upgrade, then waiting for SP1 is a better option. Especially if the last upgrade was to 3.70, then the client has survived this long, they can surely wait a few more months and get a much better product.

    NAV 2009 just has too many silly issues, that as soon as SP1 is released you will want to upgrade again.
    David Singleton
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    ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,256
    Yes Sp1 for 2009 has a lot of fixes. There are close to 1500 objects modified from 2009. Majority is pages and report but a lot of fixes.

    It's being released in 3rd quarter.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

    blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
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    navheronavhero Member Posts: 8
    Thank you very much for quick replies and clarification.
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    Cindy101Cindy101 Member Posts: 33
    I'm T - 1 week from my final live cutoff of this project; during that very very long weekend I'll try to take some good notes on what exactly I'm doing and how long each step takes. More than likely I'll post those notes for the sake of me (for future upgrades) and the community (who has been so very valuable during this project).
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    David_SingletonDavid_Singleton Member Posts: 5,479
    good luck.
    David Singleton
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    Cindy101Cindy101 Member Posts: 33
    For the sake of completion here are the notes I took over that so very long weekend (about 30 hours). Still working out some month end kinks, but all in all success!

    5 Open 36 DB in 50 client
    5 Compile all objects
    * import upgrade toolkit 4.03 NA Local 3.6…..1
    25 Run form 104001 Upgrade 4.00 Step1 - Transfer data for each company
    * Run form 104001 - Rename Tables
    * Run form 104001 - Delete Objects
    110 Import merged 4.0 objects
    70 Run 2nd upgrade toolkit fob - transfer data
    * Import Roles and Permissions
    * Delete Unused tables
    30 Delete upgrade toolkit - might have to remove data from temp tables in each company
    * Import 40-50 upgrade toolkit
    100 Run Transfer data on each company
    * Import the updated toolkit change
    140 Run Transfter Data on all companies
    * Run upgrade form - Delete objects
    60 Import merged 50 objects
    * Import the 2nd toolkit fob
    10 Set up Office integration
    * Run form 104048
    500 Transfer Data on all companies
    5 Import 5.0 roles and permissions
    5 Run codeunit 2 for each compnay
    10 Open form 531 for each compnay
    10 Add database keygroups - copy from vanilla 50 db
    10 Update permissions table - make sure xmlport and menusuite are added to the option string list
    5 run form 104002 - delete unused tables
    * Delete data from tables 104001..2 in all companies
    90 Database test for everything but the last checkbox
    1 Import migrate.fob
    400 run codeunit 104010

    Note that this is leaving out the merge processes, and quite a lot of fixes inbetween - it's just the conversion weekend notes.

    All in all my only complaint was that my Nintendo DS ran out of juice on Sunday, and that we went with a fixed bid on this project. Up to the conversion our estimate was spot on, but waaaay to much stuff popped up afterward which ate up a lot of time.

    Oh and make SURE the client gives you a nice machine to work on, my station was a bit on the slow side (as the times may show).
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    ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,256
    It's good to hear that you finished the upgrade. Having a good hardware definitely helps with the timing. And thanks for the updates. I'm sure a lot of people will find this useful.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

    blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
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