Item cross reference options - Barcode

getegete Member Posts: 76
When it comes to Item – cross reference type customer, vendor , Barcode.

I know how to use the options customer , vendor.

I would like to know how to use the option Barcode.

Could any expert share their experience about this.


  • garakgarak Member Posts: 3,263
    and what's there your problem? All is described in the online help (F1).

    If the Cross-Reference Type is "Bar Code", then the field "Cross-Reference Type No." is BLANK and the field "Cross-Reference No." is the Barcode self. Not as |||||| but as ASCII like "123Zt456". You can create more then one Barcode for an Item, based on the "Variant Code","Unit of Measure".

    If you show the coloumn "Reference No." in the, for example, Sales Order Subform, and you enter (or scan it) the "123Zt456", the application will found the correct item for this barcode.

    Do you make it right, it works too!
  • JPHSCJPHSC Member Posts: 67
    Is there in some way integration with WMS ?
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