Hi all,
What I'd like to be able to do is to go to the Sales Order form, scan a barcode that has a sales order (SO) number in it, then jump straight to that record. Is that possible? I know how to scan the barcode in and store the result in a variable, but how do I tell the Sales Order form to go to that record? Hope I'm making sense, and thanks in advance!
recSalesOrder : Table 36
varBarCode : Code 20
If I understood, you should use next operators in your module
// **** begin **********
recSalesOrder.SETCURRENTKEY("Document Type", "No.");
IF recSalesOrder.GET(recSalesOrder."Document Type"::Order, varBarCode) THEN
FORM.RUN(42, recSalesOrder)
// or
// FORM.RUNMODAL(42, recSalesOrder)
MESSAGE('Wrong BarCode');
// **** end **********
So you can find order and open it.