Business Analytics Configurator error

vyankuvyanku Member Posts: 791
I am using Navision 5.0 sp1 , SQL option
SQL 2005 SP2
I had downloaded the latest version of Configurator.

When I run the configurator it crashes at Create Analysis Service database and shows error "Configurator has encounter problem and needs to close"

Anybody got this type of problem before.
Please suggest any solution ](*,)


  • vyankuvyanku Member Posts: 791
    When I tried the same on Cronus demo database it executes suscessfully.
    But When I tried it on our converted database from 4.0 to 5.0 it shows me error

    Please suggest any soln ](*,)
  • vyankuvyanku Member Posts: 791
    The problem is solved. Actually when Configurator creates Anallysis database it dosent support special caractors in name of the tables . This problem is solved in new configurator.exe but the dimension code defind in our database containing special caractor thats why it stops there and crashed. \:D/
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