Data Filtering

UdAkunuriUdAkunuri Member Posts: 31

One of my customer has 3 Divisions. And he needs division wise data filtering.

i.e., one division person need to see only his purchase orders, sales orders, Customer balances........

I know that Using Responsibility Center feature in Navision, we can filter documents like PO,SO......

But here we have same customers, Items, ....(masters) for all divisions. So i need to filter the balances. And the person (head of all divisions) need to see all the data.

Is it possible in Navision, Is there any thing already present in Navision to do so...

Thanks & Regards
Thanks & Regards,
Udaykumar Akunuri


  • sri.tech23sri.tech23 Member Posts: 41
    yes u can indeed do it. let me explain you the stepwise proc:

    1. in user setup table create a new field Branch code
    2. in code unit 5700 ie user setup mgmt look at function GetSalesFilter(). u need to create a similar function for you field viz branch code or location.
    3. then u need to write the following kind of code on the onopenform trigger of all your forms that need to filter location wise.
    IF UserMgt.GetSalesFilter() <> '' THEN BEGIN
      SETRANGE("Responsibility Center",UserMgt.GetSalesFilter());

    after finishing the above steps all you have to do is define the user id in table 91 ie User Setup and also the branch each id is related to. for any person whom the filter should not apply leave the branch field blank in table91.
  • UdAkunuriUdAkunuri Member Posts: 31
    Hi sri,

    Thank you for your reply.

    For documents i can directly use Responsibility filter (no need to use another).

    But for masters (to show balances division wise) what i need to do ? (and for reports also..)
    Thanks & Regards,
    Udaykumar Akunuri
  • sri.tech23sri.tech23 Member Posts: 41
    Hi uday,
    if u want to filter balances and other data branch/division wise, then u have to create a new field in the respective tables. there is no other way the system can differentiate entries unless you tell it which entry belongs to which branch/division. so u create a new field and pass the field while posting of entiries into the tables. for forms you can use the filter group code...and for reprts you have to give a text variable which can lookup your branch/division list and u can pass that as a filter to the dataitem in your reports.
    if each user needs to c only his division in the lookup for the division list, GET the branch code of user from user setup table and then use the filter group code in the onlookup trigger of that variable.

    hope this helps.



  • UdAkunuriUdAkunuri Member Posts: 31
    Thank you Sri,

    Introducing a new field in all tables is also a solution but it is more lenghty process naaaa.....

    If anyone knows any other way please help me.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Udaykumar Akunuri
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