My requirement is to post a positive entry in Item ledger entry whenever we are posting output journals. I have modified the code in Item Jnl Post codeunit but the message is coming 'There is nothing to post' and I found that one capacity ledger entry is created but no Item ledger entry is created. also record is not deleted from Output Journal screen. Can you please suggest what went wrong. If I call my modifications from other button to post Positive ILE only then my code is working correctly.but under the codeunit something is going wrong. Plz help me.
Can you elaborate what you are trying to do ??????? as requirement is not too clear.
I need to know how to correct the out put journal which posted incorrectly to the last operation.
For example say user has posted output jnl for the last operation(Last machine center) for BLUE location with the Lot No. RP0007. After posting the output user realized that it should be Lot No. RP0006.
How to correct this?