Multilanguage use on Date Format

Frank_HulsboschFrank_Hulsbosch Member Posts: 17
Hi all,

I'm currently looking for a solution to solve the following problem:

I have developed a localized Invoice Report which can be used in both English and Dutch language.
I want to show the posting date as <Day>, <Month Text>, Year in order to prevent misunderstandings about date notation (dd-mm-yyyy / mm-dd-yyyy). Is Navision somehow capable of changing month names accordingly to the CurrReport.LANGUAGE selection or do I have to create a 'Date Translation' table to be able to register multi-language translations for Month Names and Weekday Names?

We're currently using a worldwide license (english) but I also noticed that in our system in Poland (with a polish license) the month name is changing on selecting the application language.

Does anybody know a good solution of how to overcome this problem? (while keeping month-names of course)


  • JPHSCJPHSC Member Posts: 67
    Try to play with the current navision language ????


    iLanguageID := GLOBALLANGUAGE;

    recLanguage.SETRANGE(Code, ReportLanguage);
    IF recLanguage.FINDFIRST THEN
    GLOBALLANGUAGE := recLanguage."Windows Language ID";

    On PostReport
    GLOBALLANGUAGE := iLanguageID;
  • Frank_HulsboschFrank_Hulsbosch Member Posts: 17
    Thank you for your quick advice. =D>

    I run into the next error: 'Your license does not permit you to use the language NLD'
    Unfortunately the license we're using only supports english as application language. :cry:

    I think the next quickest usable option would be a routine or a table to 'translate' the month and weekday names.
    Or extend our license with more languages...
  • JPHSCJPHSC Member Posts: 67
    I think this is the best option ...

    If you keep this generic for all types of translation, future problems may be solved in advanced.
    We use something like this to to make all the fields on our reports multilangual... ( to translate fields like item no., description ... )
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