Totalling amounts for employees in the same locations

FreakyFreaky Member Posts: 125
Hi Guys,
I have a table called History table and on this table I have a field called "Locations" and another called "Amounts". Now, I want to sum and display on my report the total amount and location of all employees whose location is the same.Any idea on how I can do it.

Thanks in advance.


  • matttraxmatttrax Member Posts: 2,309
    Add a key to your table. Not sure if each employee has a different total or if you just want the sum of the location.

    Location [, Employee] with SumIndexField Amount

    In code do a CALCSUMS(Amount) with your filters set.

    You could also create a flowfield on the employee table that sums the amount from your history table. Then do a CALCFIELDS and display it in the report.
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