Copying Shipment Date from sales header

LeroyLeroy Member Posts: 199
Hello, on sales quotes, when I look for an item, on sales lines from the quote, and select it, automatically it brings me some fields from that item and from quote sales header. One of this fields is Shipme Date, here appears the Oder Date from the sales header quote.
Now I don't want that Shipment date appears automatically, I want to put it manually. I go to sales line table and, on Nº Onvalidate, I lookfor the code that reffers to copy of order date from sales header to salesline shipment date, but I don't find anything about it. I don't find on whole table the code. I don't know it this is from standard, so I ask about it. Can anybody tell me how where can be this code if it's from standard?.
Thanks in advance


  • matttraxmatttrax Member Posts: 2,309
    The code (I'm looking at a 2009 database) is in "No. - OnValidate".
    "Shipment Date" :=
        SalesHeader."Shipment Date",
        CalChange."Source Type"::Location,
        "Location Code",
        CalChange."Source Type"::"Shipping Agent",
        "Shipping Agent Code",
        "Shipping Agent Service Code",
  • LeroyLeroy Member Posts: 199
    Thanks for reply, but it isn't; I've already been tested, It's the only refer to Shipment date that there is in Nº. OnValidate. I remove this code and go on putting the date. Any idea else please?.
    Thanks for help.
  • matttraxmatttrax Member Posts: 2,309
    Run Code Coverage or Client Monitor. Then it will be easy to find where the code is. These are under the Tools menu.
  • LeroyLeroy Member Posts: 199
    Thanks for reply; I've try it but I don't find any reference to Shipment Date field. I don't know what more can I do.
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