Updating fields on a subform from another table

Rob_BurkeRob_Burke Member Posts: 10
I have a subform which has a TableBox showing a list of records.

A short example of this table is:
| No.    | Desc.  | VI No.   |
| 001    | ABC    |          |
| 002    | DEF    |          |
| 003    | GHI    |          |
| 004    | JKL    |          |

The No. and Desc. are fields in the table passed into the subform from the main form. The VI No. is a field in the Item table which I want to lookup using the No.

So far, I've tried doing the following:

1. Created a new text C/AL Global named "VINo" and added the control for it
2. Added a function to the subform named GetVINo which does this:
   VINo := Item."VINo."
UNTIL Item.NEXT = 0;
3. Called this function like so:
Form - OnActivateForm()

This has sort of worked... now when I load the form my table looks like this:
| No.    | Desc.  | VI No.   |
| 001    | ABC    | V123     |
| 002    | DEF    | V123     |
| 003    | GHI    | V123     |
| 004    | JKL    | V123     |

The problem being that all the VI No. are set to whatever the VI No. of the first record is - I can't figure out how to make it loop through and show the correct VI No. for each row!

Any suggestions?

Thanks a million folks,


  • MBergerMBerger Member Posts: 413
    Of course you get just one value, you are using the wrong trigger. You need to use OnAfterGetRecord.

    Firstly, why do you use a REPEAT..UNTIL when you get a maximum of 1 record ?
    - in the OnAfterGetRecord trigger of the form, put the following code :
    if item.get("No.") then
      ViNo := Item."ViNo"
      ViNo := '' ;

    You could also solve this by using a lookup flowfield in the table that is used in the form.
  • Rob_BurkeRob_Burke Member Posts: 10
    MBerger, I implemented both of your suggestions and it is now working perfectly - thanks a million mate! -Rob
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