Using Web Services on Converted Database

DamianoDamiano Member Posts: 5
edited 2009-04-03 in NAV Three Tier
Hello to everyone!
I'm trying to use Web Services on a converted database. I made these steps:
1) backup the old (5.0) sql database
2) created a new NAV2009 sql Database
3) restored the backup
4) import the "Web Service" table
5) compiled all object (with errors :) )

when I try to look for the Services page (http://localhost:7047/.../services) it result that page cannot be open.

Now my question is if what I'm trying to do is possible and I need only to figure out how I can do it or it is simply impossible...

Any help will be appreciated


  • DamianoDamiano Member Posts: 5
    Well the answer is...It's Possible :)

    I wrote the database name instead of company name into IExplorer :(

    After changing it I was able to see my services and my application works fine!

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