Difference in Field names nav 4.0 and nav 6.0

NiteshNitesh Member Posts: 43
Hi, while coding i found difference in field names between two versions nav 4.0 and nav 6.0.
For example VAT amount becomes VAT Base amount in nav 6.0.
Is ther any list available for similar field names?
Kindly help.


  • KowaKowa Member Posts: 923
    You can create a new form for the table "Field" in both versions and copy&paste the field values to a text file. A file compare tool will show you all the differences. For new version of the open source editor Notepad++ http://notepad-plus.sourceforge.net there is also a simple comparison plugin available, which is totally sufficient for quick checks like this. For more advanced comparision functions, the open source tool Winmerge http://winmerge.org/ is available.
    Kai Kowalewski
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