Flowfilters in a published page

johntaylormfcjohntaylormfc Member Posts: 22
edited 2009-04-08 in NAV Three Tier
We have a published a page which is the list of employees.

On the employee table I have a flowfilter, Lookup Department Filter, and a flowfield which uses an exist to be set to true if there is a record in an employee jobs table for the department in the flowfilter. The idea being to limit the list to employees who can work for a given department.

In the OnOPenPage trigger we have

SETFILTER("Works for Department", TRUE)

What I need to do is set the LookUp Department Filter to a specific Department and then run the page, so the list is automatically filtered. our web developer has used the following code (which I don’t Understand!)

NAV_EmployeeList_Page.EmployeeList_Service empservice = new NAV_EmployeeList_Page.EmployeeList_Service();

empservice.UseDefaultCredentials = true;

NAV_EmployeeList_Page.EmployeeList_Filter empfilter = new NAV_EmployeeList_Page.EmployeeList_Filter();
empfilter.Field = NAV_EmployeeList_Page.EmployeeList_Fields.DepartmentFilter;//trying to use a flow filter but errors
empfilter.Criteria = "12345";

empservice.ReadMultiple(new NAV_EmployeeList_Page.EmployeeList_Filter[] { empfilter }, null, 0);

I have added the flowfilter as DepartmentFilter to the page, as it seems if I do not the web developer cannot see it. Am I approaching this the wrong way. Trying to keep the filtering in NAV, as it mimics the way the form works.

If so, how do we set a flowfilter on a page.




  • PutxiPutxi Member Posts: 8
    I have a similar problem. I'm trying to get the item inventory from a specific location using the Item published page.

    I've tried to create a Code unit to extend the page functionality passing the specific location to the function but I'm not able to pass the input parameter to the page
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