sales line discount for all items

LibertyMountainLibertyMountain Member Posts: 94
We have the situation where we want to give a 5% line discount to a customer. We cannot figure the best way to do this. (We do NOT want to give a 5% invoice discount. Customers specifically request 5% discount per line item.) We used to be able to do this easily in the character based Avista 3.56 version. But cannot do it in the NAV 5.0.

NAV 5.0 forces you to assign every item to an item disc group in order for line item discounts to work (i.e. [Sales Line Discount].Type has only two options: 'Item' or 'Item Disc. Group'. Why not have the option 'All Items'? or at least Type='Item Disc. Group' with Code='' signifying all codes?).

Any ideas?


  • themavethemave Member Posts: 1,058
    you can do this with a combination of customer discount groups and item groups.

    for example setup us a customer discount group "A"

    and then have item discount groups. we use the mfgr code.

    so the combo of the customer group and item disc group you enter as 5%

    so all your A customer get 5%,

    we use A,B,C,D,and E groups

    so our typical discount is

    A - 30%
    B - 35%
    C - 40%
    D - 45%
    E - 50%

    once you have it set up it is pretty good, we have several item categories, so A customer may get 30% off of some items and other item category may be 20% off.
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