Hello all,
I have installed NAV 2009 and i have some questions? I have read something about my problems but i haven´t let it yet.
1) I have an error when i try to lunch the Database Server Manager for Microsoft Dynamics NAV aplication. The error says "MMC cant open the file (a path) databaseserver\navdbsnapIn.msc" :shock:
2) I cant add a new database. I have my new database in SQL and i have modified the customsetting.config with the database server and the new database, then i have restart the service Database Server for Microsoft Dynamics NAV Classic and then, when i try to lunch RTC, error. (i have to go to nav classic, file, database, alter... but i have lost #-o )
3) If i have yo upgrade a database 5.0 to nav 2009? What upgrade toolkit i have to choose? because i only see 3.70 and 4.00 folders but not 5.00 folder... :-k
Thx and bye...
I have reinstalled NAV2009. I have disabled the option database server and now i dont have the service "Database Server Manager for Microsoft Dynamics NAV aplication"
I´m desperate [-o<
Can i open with RTC a ddbb converted? In Classic mode i can convert a 5.1 version database but perhaps, i can´t open a converted database with RTC...
The database converted from 5.1 to nav2009, in File / DataBase / Alter / Option don´t have checked the option Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server but if you create a new database from nav2009, the new database have this checked...
Plz I need help...
If not, follow the steps here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd301254.aspx
Also be sure you've imported the new objects and Role data from a demo NAV 2009 database.
But why? I have a virtual machine with NAV2009 (all in one) and the database don´t have checked "single mode" (why have i to check this?, for what?)
Which are these objects? And where could i get these?
the step: "Migrate from database 5.0 to nav2009" is essential to rules?
Once you've done that compile all of your objects. This will create the C# code that the service tier needs.
As for the data, like the out of the box roles for the role center, you should download the NAV 2009 client from partnersource (or get your partner to get it for you). It's more than 1GB, so give yourself some time to download it.
Do a Table comparison between your converted database and the Cronus database to see all of the new tables (just paste into Excel from Object Designer). Import those new objects and compile them as well.
You'll at least need to import the data for Table 2000000072 (Profile) which is used for the Role Centers.
Hope that helps a little more.
I´ll do tomorrow whatever you says. I´m a partner so everything are in my work!!
Well, I have done all but i have a mistake yet. (I have all compiled, all new objects and the data of table 200000..72)
When i try yo open CRT it shows a windows error: "The metadatas for the objects type UnitCode 1 is under error. don´t found the object type UnitCode with id.1"
I have substituted the codeunit 1 from the Cronus version and page too and compiled but the error continues...