Change Company Logo in Style Sheet

dayakardayakar Member Posts: 68
I have been looking for a way to change the Company logo on the Style sheet(which is defaulted to cronus).
I know that using StyleSheetTool we can create our custom style sheets.

Can we edit the existing XSLT doc and change the company logo? :-k


  • imurphyimurphy Member Posts: 308
  • dayakardayakar Member Posts: 68
    opened the XSLT file using Notepad, replaced the code

    <v:imagedata src="wordml://03000001.png" o:title="CRONUS"/>


    <v:imagedata src="C:\Mylogo.png" o:title="XXXX"/>

    Saved the file.

    In Nav i deleted the existing Stylesheet for the form, Imported the new one.

    CRONUS logo replaced with My logo.

    Any amendments please share.

    I tested in Native DB and it worked fine.
  • imurphyimurphy Member Posts: 308
    he he

    C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\CSIDE Client\Stylesheets:

    12/04/2007 20:04 27.456 ContactLetterToWord.xslt
    12/04/2007 20:04 27.455 CustomerLetterToWord.xslt
    25/09/2007 19:36 9.893 NavisionFormToExcel.xslt
    12/04/2007 20:04 23.163 NavisionFormToWord.xslt
    03/07/2007 21:33 48.942 SalesOrderConfirmationToWord.xslt
    12/04/2007 20:04 48.950 SalesQuoteToWord.xslt
    12/04/2007 20:04 27.451 VendorLetterToWord.xslt

    Unfortunately if you modify them they are local to the machine and you have to manually distribute them.
    There is a KB from ms to modify the excel one to correct a couple of errors.

  • dayakardayakar Member Posts: 68
    thanks for your reply imurphy.
    imurphy wrote:
    There is a KB from ms to modify the excel one to correct a couple of errors.

    I am not sure about the MS KB and what all i need is to change only the Logo on word docs.

    Its not a problem for me to locally modify for each :D
  • DhaneeshaDhaneesha Member Posts: 62

    I have a client who wants to export the customer details from the customer card to a word document, having their own logo.

    I have tried changing the stylesheets as you have explained above, meaning in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\CSIDE Client\Stylesheets, but still, I'm getting the Cronus logo.

    Do you have an idea where can be the problem?

  • imurphyimurphy Member Posts: 308
    I suspect you are picking up a different stylesheet.

    To locate which of the stylesheets is being used you could edit them one by one, introducing a syntax error in the xsl and trying the report. When you get an xml transform error you've just edited the right stylesheet.

    If this doesn't work try moving them all to another directory and see if this generates an error. If it doesn't you're looking at the wrong directory.

    OR you could use procmon from here ... 96644.aspx and it will tell you which files are opened.... once you get the filters in place to stem the flood of information.

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