Business Notification Setup error registry Key on pc client

andy76andy76 Member Posts: 616
Hello everybody,

I could install and test the functionality of Business Notification client
and server and all is right a part an error message that come out on the
client pc, not on the client on the server.

When I open from one of the 2 pc clients the form IT Administration-General
Setup-Business Notification Setup I have following message:

This message from C/AL programmers..

The call to member RegRead failed.WhsShell.RegRead returns following message:
Invalid root in registry key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Business
Solution\BusinessNotification\NAS Parameterss".

And the form does not open.
On the server where it is installed also Business Notification Server the
error does not appear.

I have seen on another post that they advice to copy the registry key from the
client that works to the client that do not work.

I could try also this also if it is not a good thing so I ask you if it is
normal that the form Business Notification Setup cannot be opened by a client
pc or is a bug or there is a more elegant way to solve.

Thank you
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