Import picture in specific Excel column

JDBJDB Member Posts: 11
edited 2009-03-24 in Navision Financials

I have a problem. I need to import a picture every single Excel line but I can not seem to get it into a Excel cell. With command Sheet.Shapes.AddPicture you can only place at a certain point in a worksheet but not in a certain cell. I have tried all kind of variables but there always seems to be a mismatch. Does someone have an idea?

See last pitawful "trial and error":

yasteller := yasteller +50;
xteller := 50.15;

IF printpic THEN BEGIN
pdm_picture.SETCURRENTKEY("PDM Item No.",Format);
pdm_picture.SETRANGE("PDM Item No.","Item No.");
IF pdm_picture.FIND('-') THEN BEGIN
//xteller := xteller +(0.15);

Sheet.Range('A'+ FORMAT(RijTeller)).EntireRow.RowHeight(xteller);
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