Hi Guys,
I need to export some Tables from NAV to an external SQL DB (I'm using SQL Server 2005)
For Example : I want to Export Sales Header and Sales Line for Customer wich are Blocked=False;
What's the best way to solve this issue?
My Job should be scheduled.
Any suggestions
The sql statement will look something like this.
And schedule it to run from SQL agent.
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
Is thers any tool that will hepl me with this issue as SSIS DTS or Replication,
cause I have a lot of table to do
Thank you
But on all (SSIS,Replication,Agentjob) you must define:
1. the source (Database/table)
2. destination (Database/table)
3. Filters
So with the SSIS Designer you can define this. Is it this what you need or a other tool?
I think SSIs will be the best tool, here is my scenario.
Let say i have SourceDB and DestDB ok,
1. I want to (Select * Form SourceDB.Table Where condition) View1
2. Transfer my Records to DestDB.Table
3. Update SourcDB to flag the record as alreay transfered to avoid to transfer them twice.
4. schedule the pakage to run every 5min ex.
Thanks a lot
i use the same on a customer with an offline POS system.