Inventory Profile Track Buffer already exists

Jonathan2708Jonathan2708 Member Posts: 552

I'm getting this error when running the 'Calculate Plan' function in the Requisition Worksheet. I am using a production forecast with a Start Date, Ending Date and Exclude Forecast Before Date.

NAV version 5.0SP1, SQL Server 2000

I can't see any reported errors or hotfixes around this area. There are no customisations here.

Any help appreciated,



  • KowaKowa Member Posts: 923
    There are confirmed issues with planning in 5SP1/2009, one has just been fixed
    If you have access to partnersource :
    Kai Kowalewski
  • knightknight Member Posts: 45
    We have a client with the exact same issue.. unfortunately the link you have provided no longer works... and searching the Partnersource doesn't come up with any useful results...

    Any suggestions?
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