looking up into another table base on a filter

asemberengasembereng Member Posts: 220
I have two tables to collect data from while running a report. The report is design on the History table and it needs to get data also from the loan_history table based on two fields it should compare; the empid and the MonthYear. But when running the report. How can i get data from the loan_history table when both the empid and the MonthYear is the same?

for example
select loan_history.monthly_deductions from loan_history, History where history.empid = loan_history.empid and history.MonthYear= loan_history.MonthYear;
If it was in mysql..


  • matttraxmatttrax Member Posts: 2,309
    select loan_history.monthly_deductions from loan_history, History where history.empid = loan_history.empid and history.MonthYear= loan_history.MonthYear;
    IF history.FINDSET THEN
        loan_history.SETRANGE(empid, history.empid);
        loan_history.SETRANGE(MonthYear, history.MonthYear);
        IF loan_history.FINDSET THEN
          //Do your thing
      UNTIL history.NEXT = 0

    Does that get you started?
  • asemberengasembereng Member Posts: 220
    thank you very much.. now i want to loop into this table if base on empid and the monthYear if it exit it should display and error or else execute the following
    IF history.FINDLAST THEN
      LintHistory_ID := history.id;
    //loan.SETCURRENTKEY("Freeze Loan",balance);
    loan.SETRANGE("Freeze Loan",FALSE);
    IF loan.FINDSET(TRUE,TRUE) THEN // TRUE,TRUE because you want to change the table
        loan2 := loan; // if you change records inside a loop, you NEED a second variable in which you change the record
        op_bal := loan2.balance;
        cl_bal := loan2.balance - loan2.monthly_pay;
        paidoff := loan2.loan_amount - cl_bal;
        loan2.paidoffamount := paidoff;
        loan2.balance := cl_bal;
        loan2.MODIFY; // no need for 2 modifies of the same table
        //insert into loan history table.
        LintHistory_ID += 1;
        history.id := LintHistory_ID;
        history.op_balance := op_bal;
        history.cl_balance := cl_bal;
        history.ded_amount := loan2.monthly_pay;
        history.int_amount := loan2.monthly_int;
        history.loan_id := loan2.id;
        history.empid := loan2.empid;
        history."Run Date" := RunDate;
        history.MonthYear :=FORMAT(RunDate,0,'<Month text> <Year4>');;
        history.INSERT(FALSE); // the record doesn't exist, so you need to INSERT it and not MODIFY it
      UNTIL loan.NEXT = 0;
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