Document Approval

bennie_de_beerbennie_de_beer Member Posts: 43

I am getting the following problem in NAV2009:

1. User1 is authorized to approve Purchase Orders up to $1000.00.
2. User1 enters a Purchase Order with line type 'G/L Account' for less than $999.00 and 'Send Approval Request'.
3. The system approves the Purchase Order (Message: Order xxxx has been automatically approved and released). This is correct because the Purchase Order value is within his limit,
4. User1 then changes the line amount to be greater than his limit ($999999.99) and posts the Purchase Order as an Invoice.
5. The amount can only be changed for lines with Line Type 'G/L Account' and 'Charge(Item)'.

I am not sure if the system is designed like this on purpose or if it is a problem.



  • Miklos_HollenderMiklos_Hollender Member Posts: 1,598
    There seems to be a design mistake - only Open documents should allow changing amounts no matter what's the line type.

    Just throw a SalesHeader.GET("Document Type","Document No."); SalesHeader.TESTFIELD(Status, SalesHeader.Status::Open); into the OnValidate's of the relevant fields and you are all set.
  • bennie_de_beerbennie_de_beer Member Posts: 43

    We have already made the change but I just wanted to confirm that we are not missing something.

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