We have a few fairly large tables - Vendor Ledger Entry (1.2 million records) and Job Ledger Entry (3.1 million records).
When using a non-primary key (e.g. "Document No, Document Type, Vendor No." for Vend Ledg Entry), FINDs and FILTERs under the 5.0SP1 SQL client are very slow - e.g. 20 seconds to find one document number. Searches on the primary key (e.g. Entry No.) are fine.
I am new to 5.0/6.0 - I worked as a developer in the 3.6/4.0 world for several years, but am coming back to NAV after 3 years of absence.
Is this index-search problem a known issue with 5.0SP1 and later?
here some links that you should read.
well, there could be seveal reasons for this. At first you should monitor this process using the SQL Profiler. There you would see, which query exactly was sent to the server and how it was processed.
High numbers of "Reads" (e.g. > 1000) or long "CPU" and "Duration" (e.g. > 50 msec) woould indicate that SQL has done something stupid like scanning an index.
Once you know all this - please post the query here - you could try to solve that problem, e.g. by creating an optimized index, or by applying a RECOMPILE (or INDEX) hint.
NAV/SQL Performance Optimization & Troubleshooting
STRYK System Improvement
The Blog - The Book - The Tool
I have seen on the SQL Profiler that a particular query duration is very high, I think SQL Server has gotten a key very confused and I think this RECOMPILE / INDEX HINT may resolve one of the long running query problems I have.
So can you elaborate on this a little please i.e. where do I specify this RECOMPILE?
you are replying to a posting which is 4 years old; if you have any query issues I suggest you open another thread, explaning your probem in detail.
Before you should use RECOMPILE hints or stuff there's plenty more/other things to check and to do. Poor query performance could have MANY reasons ...
NAV/SQL Performance Optimization & Troubleshooting
STRYK System Improvement
The Blog - The Book - The Tool