How to get the current record(ROW VALUES )in List Form ??

pskannaapskannaa Member Posts: 138
List form values:

Min_Value(int) Max_Value(int) Autual_value(int) Process(bool)
1 5 3 Yes10 20 23 No21 22 21 Yes

....the list form will show initially Min,Max values

user can enter the "Actual_value" column for each records..when user enters the first value i.e 3(above eg) and it should validate the correspoinding row MIN and MAX values and check the Actuall value between 1 to 5 if yes "Process" field is "YES"(this condition i can use setfilter)....

But How can i get the corrent row position values MIN,MAX,, If im entering in first row i need to get the first row of Min,max values and if second row then get 2nd row min,max values as on on ....




  • MBergerMBerger Member Posts: 413
    Any code fired from a validation trigger will always be in the context of the current record, so just use the Min and Max values or the REC variable.
  • pskannaapskannaa Member Posts: 138
    Yea, im trying that only...But i couldn't able to capture the "Actual_value" using "recLineFilter" as record...'cz just we typing the value in "Actual_value" is not taking the effect even i applied

    recLineFilter.SETFILTER(recLineFilter."Actual Value(Num)",'%1..%2',"Min Value(Num)","Max Value(Num)");

    i put a code in Actual_value Validate() trigger..

    showing record count is zero even it match the actual value..
  • MBergerMBerger Member Posts: 413
    you are setting a filter on a field at entering that field ? What for ?
    If you want to set the "Process value" if the actual value is between min and max, your OnValidate should be something like
      Process := ( ( min_value <= actual_value ) and ( actual_value <= max_value )) ;
  • pskannaapskannaa Member Posts: 138
    YES right...Got it.
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