create axapta record from view

eddy147eddy147 Member Posts: 4
edited 2009-03-06 in Dynamics AX

I want to fill a DataGrid in Visual Studio with a join of 3 tables from the Dynamics database, I thought that it would be a good idea to:
- create a view in the database
- create an axapta record from my view, just like you can do with a table:

C# code:
Axapta dynAx = new Axapta();
AxaptaRecord dynRec;
dynAx.Logon(null, null, null, null);
dynRec = dynAx.CreateAxaptaRecord("MyViewName");

But then I get an unknown record exception: record '%s' doesnt exist.
Is it because one can not create AxaptaRecords from views or is it something else?
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