Calling Item-Check Avail codeunit from requisition worksheet

matthewtaingmatthewtaing Member Posts: 52
Hi Guys,

Need some help here, i'm trying to simulate the quantity checking from sales order, item journal line to requisition worksheet to check on transfer type replenishment. However, whenever i got to the part where i need to run the Form Check Availability (Form 342) from the codeunit Item-Check Avail. (Codeunit 311). It'll give me the form.runmodal error cannot be used while in transaction.

I would like to know how did the item journal line and sales line be able to run it while writing to the quantity and i'm trying to copy something similar but for requisition worksheet. I've check the forms properties, table properties and can't seem to find any difference. ](*,) ](*,)

Even the codeunit is similar code but it's just passing in different parameters. Anybody encountered this before?

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