I am trying to get a really simple web service running in vb.net. For some reason as soon as I start using the item table in my code (I tried this with Payment Terms table and I had no problem) I start getting the following error in Visual Studio (returned by the web service):
The Sales (Qty.) for Forecast field in the Item table must be active.
It is true that this field is not enabled but it has nothing to do with the code. Here is the code in my codeunit:
ItemNo = Code20 Parameter
ReturnValue is Text50
IF Item.GET(ItemNo) THEN
Here is my VB.net code which I think is not the problem:
Dim MyService As New NAVWebservice.ItemCodeunit
Dim outputstring As String
MyService.UseDefaultCredentials = True
MyService.Url = "http://swk-lab2:7047/DynamicsNAV/WS/SWKTestU5/Codeunit/ItemCodeunit"
outputstring = MyService.ReturnDescription("101305")
Anyone run into something similar on a table that has a field that is not enabled?
I could reproduce it if the field is a flowfield.
So the assumption is no disabled flow field can be used in web services.
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n