Bitcheck on a Integer

guidorobbenguidorobben Member Posts: 157
Is there a way to convert a intger to a bit?



  • WaldoWaldo Member Posts: 3,412
    Even a boolean is 4 bytes (native navision). The corresponding SQL data type of a boolean is TINYINT, which is 1 byte. I guess this is the smallest you can go ... .

    (At least if nobody has another suggestion? - I'm not sure, you see ...)

    You can convert to a boolean with:
    EVALUATE(myBool, myInteger);

    Eric Wauters
    MVP - Microsoft Dynamics NAV
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  • RobertMoRobertMo Member Posts: 484
    If using SQL option, you can Design a table in Enterprise Manager (for each company) and change the Data Type To bit.
    By changing Navision boolean (SQL tinyint) to SQL bit you would probably loose nothing, since only 0 and 1 can be entered in Navision.
    By changing Navision integer (SQL int) to SQL bit you will convert all nonzero values to 1.

    In my opinion you should not change data type in SQL, since you can produce unpredictable situations. And changes to your system get messy. The size of storage place isn't probably a problem. If you want user to limit to 0 and 1, you can do it another way. (Using code OnValidate, using property ValuesAllowed...)
  • lubostlubost Member Posts: 631
    You probably want to view an integer value in binary representation. I don't know any command to do it. You have to create your function (e.g. BitSet, BitTest) and manipulate with integer value by dividing by 2.
  • guidorobbenguidorobben Member Posts: 157
    You probably want to view an integer value in binary representation. I don't know any command to do it. You have to create your function (e.g. BitSet, BitTest) and manipulate with integer value by dividing by 2.

    Yep that's it. So there's no way to to this that build it yourself...

  • RobertMoRobertMo Member Posts: 484
    ToBinary(liNumber : Integer) ltBinary : Text[50]
    WHILE liNumber > 0 DO BEGIN
      ltBinary := FORMAT(liNumber MOD 2) + ltBinary;
      liNumber := liNumber DIV 2;
  • guidorobbenguidorobben Member Posts: 157
    This is the thing I build to check the bit values. Thanx to RobertMo for his beginning...

    If somebody has question/comments let me know...

    You can use it like this:

    This will result in True

    This will result in False

    PROCEDURE HasBit(Source : Integer;Bit : Integer) : Boolean;
    BitSource: Text[32];
    BitBit: Text[32];
    I: Integer;

    IF Source < Bit THEN EXIT(FALSE);

    // Create Bit list Source in Reversed order
    WHILE Source > 0 DO BEGIN
    BitSource := BitSource + FORMAT(Source MOD 2);
    Source := Source DIV 2;
    // MESSAGE(BitSource);

    // Create Bitlist for the bit value in Reversed order
    WHILE Bit > 0 DO BEGIN
    BitBit := BitBit + FORMAT(Bit MOD 2);// + BitBit;
    Bit := Bit DIV 2;
    // MESSAGE(BitBit);

    FOR I := 1 TO STRLEN(BitBit) DO
    IF BitBit = '1' THEN EXIT(BitSource = '1');
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