NAV Object Comparer v2.2

AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,500
edited 2015-09-17 in Download section
NAV Object Comparer
Connect to one production database and compare its objects with three other (usually development) databases.

Enter production database connection data in "Primary database" fields. Use "Secondary database #x" (x = 1..3) fields for development databases.

Result list will show objects from primary database which are different or missing in at least one secondary database.

NOTE: Objects from secondary databases which do not exist in the primary database will not be shown in the list.

Requirements: .NET Framework v3.5

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  • David_SingletonDavid_Singleton Member Posts: 5,479
    =D> =D> =D> =D>

    Brilliant. One of those things that is so simple and so useful that everyone will say "why didn't I think of that".

    I would just like to know what are the compare criteria? I guess Size date time?

    I will have a play with this, and I am sure I will have some suggestions for version 1.1 The first one would be instead of Different, have Older/Newer.

    Then for ver 1.2 I would not have primary database, but instead a tick box so you can chose which is the primary (this would be an easy way to check for objects missing in the primary database).

    Anyway good job. \:D/
    David Singleton
  • David_SingletonDavid_Singleton Member Posts: 5,479
    :mrgreen: I see it even saves the last databases used. That's nice.
    David Singleton
  • David_SingletonDavid_Singleton Member Posts: 5,479
    Even better, I can connect direct to a remote server, via vpn and to my local development database and compare both.
    David Singleton
  • anil_mujagicanil_mujagic Member Posts: 91
    =D> =D> =D> =D>

    Brilliant. One of those things that is so simple and so useful that everyone will say "why didn't I think of that".

    I would just like to know what are the compare criteria? I guess Size date time?

    I will have a play with this, and I am sure I will have some suggestions for version 1.1 The first one would be instead of Different, have Older/Newer.

    Then for ver 1.2 I would not have primary database, but instead a tick box so you can chose which is the primary (this would be an easy way to check for objects missing in the primary database).

    Anyway good job. \:D/
    I'm glad you like it :D
    Compare criteria is "compare all fields and mark the object Different if any field is different" :mrgreen:. But I might change this to slightly more inteligent method later.
    Thanks for suggestions, and keep them comming.
  • AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,500
    NAV Object Comparer v2
    Connect to one production database and compare its objects with three other (usually development) databases.

    Enter production database connection data in "Primary database" fields. Use "Secondary database #x" (x = 1..3) fields for development databases.

    Result list will show objects from primary database which are different or missing in at least one secondary database.

    NOTE: Objects from secondary databases which do not exist in the primary database will not be shown in the list.

    Requirements: .NET Framework v3.5

    Version 2:
    A few small bugs fixed

    Discuss this download here.
  • mootsoomootsoo Member Posts: 70
    Is it using only in SQL database?
    bye my work, bye navision
  • anil_mujagicanil_mujagic Member Posts: 91
    mootsoo wrote:
    Is it using only in SQL database?
    Yes, it works only with SQL Server databases.
  • DieN0wDieN0w Member Posts: 3
    good tool,
    Great if we could allow to copy to excel or export to a file so it can be sent out.
  • anil_mujagicanil_mujagic Member Posts: 91
    DieN0w wrote:
    good tool,
    Great if we could allow to copy to excel or export to a file so it can be sent out.
    I'm preparing new version with database aliases, object filters, detailed comparison results, and anything else that comes on my or your guys mind :)
  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,118
    Some requests:

    -copy to Excel
    -Instead of putting identical, different: Give the option to put the date+time(+version list(+modified flag)) of the objects (maybe with an option). In reality, I generally only check date+time and only after that the version list because it may tell me something about WHAT has been changed. The modify flag comes even later. I NEVER check BLOB size, because just recompiling can change it.
    -colours: black for equal, red if the object younger than the primary DB, green if older.

    -if it is easy enough : also native DB's but only through a service (because it is not possible to open the DB with the client and at the same time with some other program). This has low priority. If really needed, we can create fast enough a SQL-DB and put the objects to compare in it.
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

  • anil_mujagicanil_mujagic Member Posts: 91
    kriki wrote:
    Some requests:

    -copy to Excel
    -Instead of putting identical, different: Give the option to put the date+time(+version list(+modified flag)) of the objects (maybe with an option). In reality, I generally only check date+time and only after that the version list because it may tell me something about WHAT has been changed. The modify flag comes even later. I NEVER check BLOB size, because just recompiling can change it.
    -colours: black for equal, red if the object younger than the primary DB, green if older.

    -if it is easy enough : also native DB's but only through a service (because it is not possible to open the DB with the client and at the same time with some other program). This has low priority. If really needed, we can create fast enough a SQL-DB and put the objects to compare in it.
    Thanks for suggestions. I'm under heavy workload theese days, but I hope I'll find some time to make a new version soon.
  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,118
    Some other problem : sometimes the tool says that objects are different, but I don't find differences in the object-table. Or sometimes I only find a difference in BLOB-size. This last should NOT be considered a difference because it is enough to recompile the object to have a difference. Maybe better would be a flag to decide to check this field or not.
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

  • anil_mujagicanil_mujagic Member Posts: 91
    kriki wrote:
    Some other problem : sometimes the tool says that objects are different, but I don't find differences in the object-table. Or sometimes I only find a difference in BLOB-size. This last should NOT be considered a difference because it is enough to recompile the object to have a difference. Maybe better would be a flag to decide to check this field or not.
    Yes I noticed that, I'm going to give an option to choose comparison criteria/es.
  • anil_mujagicanil_mujagic Member Posts: 91
    Ok, I decided to start working on new version. :D
  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,118
    Ok, I decided to start working on new version. :D
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

  • anil_mujagicanil_mujagic Member Posts: 91
    NAV Object Comparer 2.0 is released! :D

    New Features:

    - Add unlimited number of databases
    - Choose which databases to compare (two or more)
    - Choose primary database from the list of comparable databases
    - Filter objects by type, ID, name, version, modified-flag, compiled-flag
    - Objects are visually grouped in the result list by their type
    - View comparison details for every object (Name, Date, Time...)
    - Export results to CSV file
    - Save Your workspace(s) to *.nocws files

    I uploaded new version and I hope Luc Van Dyck will update the download soon so you can get it from the same link as the old version.
  • AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,500
    NAV Object Comparer v2
    New Features:

    - Add unlimited number of databases
    - Choose which databases to compare (two or more)
    - Choose primary database from the list of comparable databases
    - Filter objects to compare by type, ID, name, version, modified-flag, compiled-flag
    - Objects are visually grouped in the result list by their type
    - View comparison details for every object (Name, Date, Time...)
    - Export results to CSV file
    - Save Your workspace(s) to *.nocws files


    - .NET Framework 3.5 SP1


    - Add databases by optionally providing an alias for easier recognition
    - Check all databases you want to compare
    - Choose filters:
    - Type: check or uncheck
    - ID, Name, Version List: Use asterisk "*" like you would use percent sign "%" in sql LIKE clause (for example ID filter: 500*)
    - Modified and Compiled: Choose between three states: Checked, Unchecked, Indeterminate. Indeterminate state means objects will not be filtered by this field
    - Choose primary database from the drop down list and click Compare button
    - Click on any object to see detailed comparison results in the bottom of the window

    Discuss this download here.
  • llegrandllegrand Member Posts: 9
    Hi !
    Your tool is very useful !

    Here is some requests:
    - Great if we could use an empty password to connect (yes, I know, an empty password is not secure... [-X );
    - Possibility to enlarge primary database DropDownList (I have 2 databases called "My Customer - Nav Version - TEST" and "My Customer - Nav Version - DEV". If I drop down the list, y only see two times "My Customer - Nav Vers..." and I can't choose the right one ](*,) );
    - Possibility to resize left pane (same reason, to see the entire name of database);
    - Save pane size in user preference;

    Thanks !
  • anil_mujagicanil_mujagic Member Posts: 91
    llegrand wrote:
    Hi !
    Your tool is very useful !

    Here is some requests:
    - Great if we could use an empty password to connect (yes, I know, an empty password is not secure... [-X );
    - Possibility to enlarge primary database DropDownList (I have 2 databases called "My Customer - Nav Version - TEST" and "My Customer - Nav Version - DEV". If I drop down the list, y only see two times "My Customer - Nav Vers..." and I can't choose the right one ](*,) );
    - Possibility to resize left pane (same reason, to see the entire name of database);
    - Save pane size in user preference;

    Thanks !
    Thanks for good suggestions :wink:
  • hradilikhradilik Member Posts: 2
    Supertool !
    Thank you for it !

    My suggestions:

    Category "Must to have"
    - Options to filter Results type (i have too many results = Different BLOB Size)

    Category "Nice to have"
    - function for generating filter in Objects Manager
    for example:
    Tables: 6|13|91
    Forms: 1|14|17|20|25
    Codeunits: 396|5055
  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,118
    \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/
    =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>

    One problem I encountered though when installing it.
    I use Windows 2008 64 bit (maybe this is the reason). When running NAVObjectComparerSetup.exe, I got an error that it doesn' find file "NAVObjectComparerSetup.msi" in a temp-directory.

    I solved it by extracting the "NAVObjectComparerSetup.msi" file and running it directly as administrator.
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

  • llegrandllegrand Member Posts: 9
    kriki wrote:
    \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/
    =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>

    One problem I encountered though when installing it.
    I use Windows 2008 64 bit (maybe this is the reason). When running NAVObjectComparerSetup.exe, I got an error that it doesn' find file "NAVObjectComparerSetup.msi" in a temp-directory.

    I solved it by extracting the "NAVObjectComparerSetup.msi" file and running it directly as administrator.
    The same problem occurs on Vista 32 bit... Solved by the same way
  • anil_mujagicanil_mujagic Member Posts: 91
    kriki wrote:
    \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/
    =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>

    One problem I encountered though when installing it.
    I use Windows 2008 64 bit (maybe this is the reason). When running NAVObjectComparerSetup.exe, I got an error that it doesn' find file "NAVObjectComparerSetup.msi" in a temp-directory.

    I solved it by extracting the "NAVObjectComparerSetup.msi" file and running it directly as administrator.
    Thanks for reporting this. I hoped it won't happen but it did :oops: :mrgreen:

    Setup is made of two files: setup.exe (bootstraper) and NAVObjectComparerSetup.msi. Although it is possible to run msi package directly, I wanted to do it "by the book" - using the bootstrapper. But, as I didn't want to distribute two files, decision was to pack it with WinRAR, extract it to temp folder quietly, and run setup.exe from there. I tested it on two machines and everything was ok, but later I noticed that it doesn't work properly on some other machines.

    However, if someone else is hawing the same problem, extract the two files with WinRAR (or equivalent) and run setup.exe.
  • anil_mujagicanil_mujagic Member Posts: 91

    Don't use a workspace just as a "configuration file". It's much more useful to have one workspace per customer, or one workspace per product...

    If there are more than one development databases for one customer, you can configure a workspace to contain those development databases and a production database, and use that workspace with production database as a primary database every time you are doing integration of finished tasks for that customer.

    Or you can use different approach...

    If you have an Add-In you can configure the workspace with filters for objects from that Add-In and add your primary development database containing the Add-In objects. Also, add all databases in which that Add-In is implemented. Then, every time you make a change to Add-In objects on the main development database or directly on the clients database, you open that workspace and see where are the changes and where to distribute/implement them.

    Hope it helps :wink:

  • AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,500
    NAV Object Comparer v2
    New Features:

    - Add unlimited number of databases
    - Choose which databases to compare (two or more)
    - Choose primary database from the list of comparable databases
    - Filter objects to compare by type, ID, name, version, modified-flag, compiled-flag
    - Objects are visually grouped in the result list by their type
    - View comparison details for every object (Name, Date, Time...)
    - Export results to CSV file
    - Save Your workspace(s) to *.nocws files


    - .NET Framework 3.5 SP1


    - Add databases by optionally providing an alias for easier recognition
    - Check all databases you want to compare
    - Choose filters:
    - Type: check or uncheck
    - ID, Name, Version List: Use asterisk "*" like you would use percent sign "%" in sql LIKE clause (for example ID filter: 500*)
    - Modified and Compiled: Choose between three states: Checked, Unchecked, Indeterminate. Indeterminate state means objects will not be filtered by this field
    - Choose primary database from the drop down list and click Compare button
    - Click on any object to see detailed comparison results in the bottom of the window

    Update 06/11/2009:
    There is no change in version or features, but only in the installation package.

    Discuss this download here.
  • Luc_VanDyckLuc_VanDyck Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 3,633
    Suggestion for new feature: a real "Export to Excel" feature which creates a xls file with colored columns.
    No support using PM or e-mail - Please use this forum. BC TechDays 2024: 13 & 14 June 2024, Antwerp (Belgium)
  • anil_mujagicanil_mujagic Member Posts: 91
    Suggestion for new feature: a real "Export to Excel" feature which creates a xls file with colored columns.

    I'll put it on the list for next release.
  • anil_mujagicanil_mujagic Member Posts: 91
    In voting for "Best download of 2009" NAV Object Comparer won the third place. \:D/

    I want to thank You all for Your votes, and to inform You that a new version (with new useful features) will be out soon!
  • AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,500
    NAV Object Comparer v2.1
    New Features:

    - Add unlimited number of databases
    - Choose which databases to compare (two or more)
    - Choose primary database from the list of comparable databases
    - Filter objects to compare by type, ID, name, version, modified-flag, compiled-flag
    - Objects are visually grouped in the result list by their type
    - View comparison details for every object (Name, Date, Time...)
    - Export results to CSV file
    - Save Your workspace(s) to *.nocws files


    - .NET Framework 3.5 SP1


    - Add databases by optionally providing an alias for easier recognition
    - Check all databases you want to compare
    - Choose filters:
    - Type: check or uncheck
    - ID, Name, Version List: Use asterisk "*" like you would use percent sign "%" in sql LIKE clause (for example ID filter: 500*)
    - Modified and Compiled: Choose between three states: Checked, Unchecked, Indeterminate. Indeterminate state means objects will not be filtered by this field
    - Choose primary database from the drop down list and click Compare button
    - Click on any object to see detailed comparison results in the bottom of the window

    Version 2.1:
    - Support for Page objects
    - Ignore BLOB size option
    - DB connection window accepts blank password
    - ToolTip on registered databases shows server and database name

    Update 06/11/2009:
    There is no change in version or features, but only in the installation package.

    Discuss this download here.
  • AdministratorAdministrator Member, Moderator, Administrator Posts: 2,500
    NAV Object Comparer v2.2
    NAV Object Comparer is a free tool for object change comparison between two or more Microsoft Dynamics NAV databases.


    - .NET Framework 3.5 SP1


    - Add databases by optionally providing an alias for easier recognition
    - Check all databases you want to compare
    - Choose filters:
    - Type: check or uncheck
    - ID, Name, Version List: Use asterisk "*" like you would use percent sign "%" in sql LIKE clause (for example ID filter: 500*)
    - Modified and Compiled: Choose between three states: Checked, Unchecked, Indeterminate. Indeterminate state means objects will not be filtered by this field
    - Choose primary database from the drop down list and click Compare button
    - Click on any object to se detailed comparison results in the bottom of the window

    Change Log:

    NAV Object Comparer 2.2
    - Support for Query objects

    NAV Object Comparer 2.1
    - Support for Page objects
    - "Ignore BLOB size" option
    - DB connection window accepts blank password
    - ToolTip on registered databases shows server and database name

    NAV Object Comparer 2.0
    - Add unlimited number of databases
    - Choose which databases to compare (two or more)
    - Choose primary database from the list of comparable databases
    - Filter objects to compare by type, ID, name, version, modified-flag, compiled-flag
    - Objects are visually grouped in the result list by their type
    - View comparison details for every object (Name, Date, Time...)
    - Export results to CSV file
    - Save Your workspace(s) to *.nocws files

    Discuss this download here.
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