OBJECT Form 99999 Filter Maker { OBJECT-PROPERTIES { Date=11/02/09; Time=12.16.31; Modified=Yes; Version List=; } PROPERTIES { Width=8140; Height=1650; } CONTROLS { { 1101327000;TextBox;220 ;220 ;5720 ;440 ;SourceExpr=TXTNumbers } { 1101327002;CommandButton;220;770;2200;550 ;CaptionML=ITA=Mark; OnPush=BEGIN CR := 13; LF := 10; TXTNumbers := CONVERTSTR(TXTNumbers,FORMAT(LF),'|'); TXTNumbers := DELCHR(TXTNumbers,'=',FORMAT(CR)); TXTNumbers := DELCHR(TXTNumbers,'>','|'); END; } } CODE { VAR TXTNumbers@1101327000 : Text[1024]; CR@1101327001 : Char; LF@1101327002 : Char; TBObj@1101327004 : Record 2000000001; BEGIN END. } }
You have the list in excel. In a column.
In Excel. I copy the column. Right click in an empty cell and select Paste Special. I check Transpose and click OK.
Then I copy the Row and paste in Notepad. In Notepad I open the replace window and paste the TAB with |
that's it
To copy the TAB, you just highlight the empty space in notepad.
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
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Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n