SELECT [Item No_],[Location Code],cast([Quantity] as float) as Qty, (SELECT cast(isnull(sum(IAE.[Quantity]),0) as float) from [Kronus5Sp1$Item Application Entry] as IAE ,[Kronus5Sp1$Item Ledger Entry] as I2 where IAE.[Posting Date] >= '09/03/09' and I2.[Posting Date] <= '09/03/09' and ((I.[Positive] = 1 and I.[Entry No_] = IAE.[Inbound Item Entry No_] and IAE.[Outbound Item Entry No_] <> 0 and IAE.[Item Ledger Entry No_] <> I.[Entry No_] and IAE.[Item Ledger Entry No_] = I2.[Entry No_]) OR (I.[Positive] = 0 and I.[Entry No_] = IAE.[Outbound Item Entry No_] and IAE.[Item Ledger Entry No_] = I.[Entry No_] and IAE.[Inbound Item Entry No_] = I2.[Entry No_]))) as QuantitytoAddorSubtract, (SELECT cast(isnull(sum([Cost Amount (Expected)]+ [Cost Amount (Actual)]),0) as float) from [Kronus5Sp1$Value Entry] as V where V.[Posting Date] <= '09/03/09' and [Item Ledger Entry No_] = I.[Entry No_]) as InvValue from [Kronus5Sp1$Item Ledger Entry] AS I where I.[Posting Date] <= '09/03/09'
SELECT IAE.[Entry No_],IAE.Quantity --cast(isnull(sum(IAE.[Quantity]),0) as float) from [Kronus5Sp1$Item Application Entry] as IAE ,[Kronus5Sp1$Item Ledger Entry] as I2 ,[Kronus5Sp1$Item Ledger Entry] as I where IAE.[Posting Date] >= '02/03/08' and ((I.[Positive] = 1 and I.[Entry No_] = IAE.[Inbound Item Entry No_] and I2.[Posting Date] <= '02/03/08' and IAE.[Outbound Item Entry No_] <> 0 and IAE.[Item Ledger Entry No_] <> I.[Entry No_] and IAE.[Item Ledger Entry No_] = I2.[Entry No_] and I2.[Item No_] = I.[Item No_]) OR (I.[Positive] = 0 and I.[Entry No_] = IAE.[Outbound Item Entry No_] and IAE.[Item Ledger Entry No_] = I.[Entry No_] and IAE.[Inbound Item Entry No_] = I2.[Entry No_]and I2.[Posting Date] <= '02/03/08' and I2.[Item No_] = I.[Item No_]))Is there another way to query the data without using Item application entry?
No, the way the expected cost is designed, its the only way.
So I'm basically looking for a way to calculate Quantity as of a certain date. Is as easy as just adding the quantity fields filtered on Posting date?
Independent Consultant/Developer
Unfortunately you will get close this way, but never exact, especially if the cusotmer has backdated purchase invoices (Purchase invoice posting date set to a date BEFORE inventory adjustment was run for that document) and if they have a lot of expected costs.
It depends on how exact they want it.
They should change the Invoice quantity and Remaining quantity field in Item Ledger to flowfield.
And add table underneath that will have an entry for every application for that Item Ledger.
This will make aging and adjust cost routines much faster to run and calculate.
Independent Consultant/Developer
Off topic, but there's a lot of things MS needs to change. But they're all wrapped up in the new screens for NAV2009.
AP Commerce, Inc. = where I work
Getting Started with Dynamics NAV 2013 Application Development = my book
Implementing Microsoft Dynamics NAV - 3rd Edition = my 2nd book
Independent Consultant/Developer
What's really needed is to throw out the costing engine and completely replace it. I have proposed to the PG that they split it into three separate engines, where you would have say Value entry table for FIFO/Specific costing, a new table for Average and a new table for standard and a whole separate mechanism for tracking expected costs anther for Serial numbers and lot number costing etc. That way you would have a completely different code base for each cost mechanism. Right now they find a bug in average cost, and the fix ends out hitting all the other costing methods this is why it has grown out of control.
But I think it will be at least two versions before we see costing fixed, and there is no point them doing a short term fix if a proper re-write is on the way.
This sounds like a great idea to me.
Maybe they can hire a few more people instead of laying them off.
The length of each sql statement is around 900 characters. Each statement now runs in 1.5 minutes.
It's amazing that originally it ran for 40 minutes. Now they run under 3 minutes running them separately.
The COM 1024 limit interface is a big shortcoming for NAV.
This is something else they need to fix, my guess it will take 2 to 5 years.
The report now runs at about 3 minutes. It takes on standard nav about 30 minutes. Now the new nav report takes 3 minutes.
I should post a blog on this.
Independent Consultant/Developer