Job Journal Unit Price (LCY)

PJ2811PJ2811 Member Posts: 2
In nav 5 SP1 we have discovered, that in the Job Journal the field "Unit Price (LCY)" is not updated when a new line with an item is entered. The field "Unit Price" is validated with the "Unit Price" from the item card. The code from the onvalidate-trigger in the job journal is her:

Unit Price - OnValidate()
"Total Price" := ROUND(Quantity * "Unit Price",Currency."Amount Rounding Precision");
IF (CurrFieldNo = FIELDNO("Unit Price")) OR (CurrFieldNo = FIELDNO("Total Price")) OR UpdateFromUnitPrice THEN BEGIN
UpdateFromUnitPrice := FALSE;
VALIDATE("Line Discount %");

My question is: Is there a specific reason why the UpdatePriceLCY-function is not called when the "Unit Price" is validated with the "Unit Price" from the item card (when entering the item no. in the Job Journal)??

Thanks in advance :)
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