Missing Location Code on Posting Output Journal

podollypodolly Member Posts: 84
MY current version of NAV is 5.0 SP1 W1.
I was trying to posting output journal, and error message showed up.

The Inventory Posting Setup does not Exist.
Identification fields and values:
Location Code='',Invt. Posting Group Code='RM-PT'

Then I run the debugger and found that the error happened at function SetAccNo() in Codeunit 5802.
The line InvtPostSetup.GET("Location Code","Inventory Posting Group") cannot get the location code.
And I tried to trace back the program and found all inserts about value entries do not have location code as well.

Can anyone help if this is my setup error, or there is any fix on this? Thanks a lot.


  • lubostlubost Member Posts: 632

    Navision try to put entered quantity of product on warehouse. You must check the following things:
    1. If is it possible to maintain warehouse movements without lovation code (Location Mandatory in warehouse setup)
    2. Which location code is eneterd on appropriate production oreder line you want to maintain
    3. If location isn't mandatory, you must set needed g/l account to combination of empty location code and and inventory posting group "RP-PT"
    4. If location is mandatory, you must correct production order line as a first step and then you have to validate production order code and production order line in your output journal line.
  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    What is the location on the output journal? If you are consuming the components, make sure the components have location or In Manufacturing setup you have "components at location" field filled in.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

    blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
  • podollypodolly Member Posts: 84
    Hi all,

    Thanks for your reply first.

    1. I have set "Location Mandatory" on warehouse
    2. Location code is entered to the production order line

    I also pointed to a location on the output journal and consumption journal. The posting of consumption journals is fine.
    As my case is having production in different areas, so I didn't put any location code at "Components at location".
    Is this correct?
  • AdamRoueAdamRoue Member Posts: 1,283
    If you do not use SKUs still put something in the components at location.

    What you will need to ensure is the header of each works order has a location otherwise you will encounter this message, once it is on the header it gets created on the lines automatically.
    The art of teaching is clarity and the art of learning is to listen
  • jlandeenjlandeen Member Posts: 524
    I was also receiving an error during output post due to missing location code.
    The inventory posting setup does not exist. identification field and values: location code=",invt.Posting Group code='FINISHED'

    However I was trying to post output on an Item Journal Line that I verified had a location code (the location code was correctly pulled in from the released production order). As we were digging into this further, we realized that the issue was not the item posting that was causing the problem but that Capacity Ledger Entries were causing the problem.

    When the value entry is created against a capacity entry the Item no. and location fields are NOT populated on those value entries, which means that when the post cost to GL logic kicks in and is looking for an account no. to use it looks up inventory setup for with a location code of blank. Therefore inventory posting setup lines need to be created for each Inventory Posting Group, with a blank location code so any related capacity values will be posted properly.
    Jeff Landeen - Sr. Consultant
    Epimatic Corp.

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