Without the help of this forum, it would have been difficult to solve some of the problems encountered, like , file processing etc.
As an inexperienced person, I find the belowmentioned problem, unsolvable .
While adding records to journal file, I use "NoSeriesMgt(TryGetNextNo(journalBatch."No. Series",TODAY) to get the document no., based on the series and date ( TODAY ). But the no needs to be incremented and I
modify the noseries line with the document no. and date .
If I dont modify, the no is not incremented . If I modify, posting fails with incorrect document no. Can anybody help . Thanks
NoSeriesMgt.GetNextNo(JournalBatch."No. Series", TODAY, TRUE); ?
The last Parameter says: Modify (Increase) NOS or not.
TRUE increases the no. to next .
FALSE only gets the same no.
The problem with TRUE is that since it increases the no. posting fails .
The problem with FALSE is that the solution works ONLY for one voucher.
At a time I want to update many vouchers, in which case, since the no.
is not incremented, all the vouchers have the same no . Posting goes thru
OK. But the no. cannot be the same .
take the first document no with NoSeriesMgt.TryGetNextNo and for the others you can just increment the document no.