PROCEDURE AddEntities@1(FilterStr@1000 : Text[250]); VAR Item@1001 : Record 27; Count@1002 : Integer; BEGIN Count := 0; Item.SETFILTER("No.",FilterStr); IF Item.FINDSET THEN REPEAT "User ID" := USERID; "Item No." := Item."No."; IF INSERT THEN Count += 1; UNTIL Item.NEXT = 0; END;The functions in the other two tables are similar. I have not been able to find anywhere that these functions are used and I am wondering if anyone knows their purpose.
I don't know where they are used and why they count the number of records in a local variable - but it could be related to some testing that hasn't been removed (just a guess)
Group Program Manager, Client
Microsoft Dynamics NAV
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MVP - Dynamics NAV
Additionally, I exported all objects to a text file and did a string search in the text file for “AddEntities”. The only three occurrences in the entire text file were the three instances where this function is defined in My Customer, My Vendor, and My Item. AddEntities is not referenced anywhere else in the entire system. So my guess is that Freddy is correct and this is left over from some testing that has been removed. If this is indeed the case, I wish Microsoft would remove these functions from these tables as they only cause confusion to people trying to figure out how the system works.