Upgrade 4.03->5.01: Upgrade Error Log

VertexVertex Member Posts: 2

I'm doing an Upgrade form NAV4.03 to NAV5.01 at the moment.
For that, I'm using the MS Upgradetoolkit "Upgrade400500SP1de.1.fob"
I ran the Form 104001 Upgrade - Old Version and clicked "Transfer Data".
Unfortunately the Upgrade Error Log isn't empty and i can't handle with the Error-Messages.
Here are the 3 Errors:
- "There must not be any unposted service orders/quotes in the system."
--> When I click "Show" I get the Servicequotes-Card. Unfortunately I cant post in Quotes, only in Orders. Do I have to create Orders from that Quotes?
- "Job WIP value and recognition must be calculated and posted to G/L for one or more Projektposten where Projektnr. = 25000xxx..."
- "At least one Projektposten applied and not closed where Projektnr. = 35080xxxx..."

I hope anyone of you can help me with these Problems.
Thanks a lot!



  • PerJuhlPerJuhl Member Posts: 55

    The migration tool can not handle Job WIP values on the "Balance Sheet".

    One solution is to set Job Status to "Completed" and calculate and post WIP to G/L.

    BR Per
  • i4tosti4tost Member Posts: 208
    The biggest issue is that there is no standard tool to upgrade service data (no orders, no invoices...) So you need to create your own tool for this or delete all service data.
    Even so, you will be suprised because posted service documents will not be visible in new version as weel. This is because new tables will be used, not old ones. So you should create tool manually to transfer this data.
    Not good news, but when we upgraded it was the only one possibility.
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