Sales Invoice with Item Charge - Partial Shipment - Error?

sebpalisebpali Member Posts: 3
Hi Experts:)
The problem:
I open an order, with two item, 3-3 pcs, one charge(item), 6 pcs.
Assign charge equal to items (3-3)
Partial Shipment 2-2 pcs item, 4 pcs charge
New invoice -> Get Shipment Lines (all shipment line)
Let see Item Charge Ass(sales) (belong to invoice):
  • first item: qty. to ass: 3, ship 2.
  • second item: qty. to ass. 1, qty. to ship 2
Is it normal?

Ok, i change it manually to assign 2-2 (Or not, its equal for now - let's go on)
I Post the invoice, and go back to my order:
And i haven't living assignments
(i think, would have 2 pcs qty. to assign, because original i had 6, invoiced 4 - //that's on qty. assigned - OK//)

Isn't a bug?
A feature? :lol:
Should i develop CU 64 and CU 80?? :-k
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