How see the last movement different from a condition

DarkHorseDarkHorse Member Posts: 389
Good morning, I have a report covering the Item Ledger Entry table and I want that it shows me the final value different that a condition of another field; for example. I've the item 123 and I have two Locations, locationA and locationB; if I see the movements from that item it shows me that the last movement is in locationA but I want to show me the last movement different from location A. How I can do it?.
Thanks in advance.


  • DeepDeep Member Posts: 569
    Why you want a location which is different from the original posting location??? Whats the logic?

  • LeroyLeroy Member Posts: 199
    Thanks for reply. Before reply explain the problem, may be there is another solution. The problem is that we have a report (with the dataitems Item and Item Ledger Entry) that shows the total stock from each item, but it doesn't show the Location; we can filter buy Location filter field from Item table on running the report. But I want to show the locations by columns and the stock of each location, not all together as now. But I can't find the way to do it, because the "Location filter" field from Item table is a calculate one, and the "Location code" from Item Ledger Entry is based on movements and shows me incorrect information. How I can do it?
  • DeepDeep Member Posts: 569
    You can check "Items by location" form which shows the items in rows and location in columns, and can copy and paste is to excel.
    May be this helps.
    If needed on report, you have to write a code.

  • IdlenessIdleness Member Posts: 46
    I'm not sure of your Nav version or your setup but I use either table 7302 (bin content) or 6505 (lot no information). Combined with item and ledger entries, somewhere in there you can get what you are after.

    Failing that table 7312 (warehouse entry), you'll have to do a little extra work with this one though.
  • DarkHorseDarkHorse Member Posts: 389
    Thanks everybody for reply. Forget it; I've find the solution, I've to put a body on the report that look for the whole table and I think it's correct. Sorry for wasted your time.
    Thanks again.
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