We have a multi-society database and we'd like to share the charts of accounts between all societies.
Does someone have an experience on this ? What could be the process ? What properties should be changed ? What other tables should be shared ?
Business Analyst
Incadea (Vertical solution for the automotive market based on Nav 2.60)
French speaking European/African/Indian Ocean countries.
http://www.mibuso.com/forum/viewtopic.p ... t+accounts
http://www.navision.net/forum/topic.asp ... le,sharing
http://www.navision.net/forum/topic.asp ... le,sharing
Thanks for the links Savatage
Incadea (Vertical solution for the automotive market based on Nav 2.60)
French speaking European/African/Indian Ocean countries.
Sharing a table across companies is easy, you can do that with the DataPerCompany property of the table. In addition to the GL Account table though, you'd have to also share the subsidiary tables associated with the GL Account table, so that you won't have errors when you link to a record that only exists in one of the companies. You can figure out which other tables you need by opening the GL Account table in design and investigate all fields. Each field that has a table relation to another table is one you want. You will also have to share the table that the field links to.
Incadea (Vertical solution for the automotive market based on Nav 2.60)
French speaking European/African/Indian Ocean countries.
There I explained what happens to table relations. Yes it dangerous unless you know what is going on and what you are doing, but on the other way we used it and it works for us.
Here's something you can test:
Go to company A and enter General Business Posting Group COMPANYA, and then assign it to a GL Account.
Then, go to company B and make sure that General Business Posting Group COMPANYA does not exist. Then go to your GL Account and validate the General Business Posting Group (hit F2 in the field and tab out). You will notice that you are getting an error that General Business Posting Group COMPANYA does not exist.
This is because now you have shared the GL Account table but not the General Posting Group table (following Navision France advice?????). The GL Account exists in both companies (or rather, it is shared by both companies), but one of the fields is referencing a record that only exists in one company.
I am telling you, this is a LOT more complicated than it seems. I have done this before and it is NOT a matter of only sharing the GL Account table.
Incadea (Vertical solution for the automotive market based on Nav 2.60)
French speaking European/African/Indian Ocean countries.
I am just trying to make the point that only sharing the GL Account table will not be enough.
Incadea (Vertical solution for the automotive market based on Nav 2.60)
French speaking European/African/Indian Ocean countries.