Web PO integration

tuthtuth Member Posts: 9
Hi I'm a .NET developer and a newby to NAV development.

I'm after some guidance on NAV integration with .NET

I've a client that wants to allow his many related companies to post POs via a custom Web Form.

What are the best options to achieve this?

Many thanks in advance.


  • garakgarak Member Posts: 3,263
    the same principle:


    Search also the forum for NAS and Post
    Do you make it right, it works too!
  • tuthtuth Member Posts: 9
    Many thanks garak

    I also have the multi-company multi NAS issue.

    I've spent the morning on mibuso and have tried to bring the results of a few threads into one.

    Also I've an idea for the architecture that maybe others could use in the future for the multi-company MSMQ.

    Here are some findings and ideas:

    * For best synchronisation management utilise MSMQ as the 'go-between' from .NET and NAS/NAV.

    * Create one queue per company

    * If I understand the messageboards correctly, you'll need one NAS per company. So, on NAS start-up supply the db server, db name and the start-up parameter being the queue name.

    * Client will need to buy granule 1415 (one additional instance of NAS) or 1420 (100 additional instances of NAS)

    * The code in the code unit is effectively a class, it gets instantiated inside a NAS instance. The queue name start-up parameter will tell the code unit instance which queue to monitor.

    * The events that get generated inside the NAS instances will be company/queue specific and the NAS connection will be directed towards the correct db and company.

    Comments would be appreciated.
  • jlandeenjlandeen Member Posts: 524
    I think you've pretty much covered a lot of the key details of any NAS/MSMQ system integration architecture.

    One point on:
    The code in the code unit is effectively a class, it gets instantiated inside a NAS instance. The queue name start-up parameter will tell the code unit instance which queue to monitor
    I find that rather then hard coding message queue paths in code I store them in a field on a setup table (either a new one or an existing one) and then simply refer to them in the the NAS Handler code (or codeunit). If you use a setup table that is unique per company (i.e. DataPerCompany Property = YES) then it's easy to specify different message queues without having to hardcode any values.

    The multi-company issue is a common one that I've seen in the past and haven't been able to find a clean solution to it other then 1 NAS & 1 Set of Inbound/Outboud Message Queues per Company. Which works OK if you have a small number of companies, but becomes more difficult if you have a large number of companies. I have yet to encounter a site that requires a large number of companies so I think this is a rare requirement.
    Jeff Landeen - Sr. Consultant
    Epimatic Corp.

  • tuthtuth Member Posts: 9
    Many thanks for your time Jeff, I like the solution to do away with the need of a start-up parameter.
  • jlandeenjlandeen Member Posts: 524
    You're welcome. Yeah I try to avoid hardcoding at all costs ;)
    Jeff Landeen - Sr. Consultant
    Epimatic Corp.

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