Purchase Tax Amount ./ Amount Loaded on Inventory fields

hansikahansika Member Posts: 373

Environment = Nav 4.0 SP3 HF6.

In Purchase Invoice Line table We have below these fields
1. Tax Amount = 100
2. VAT Amount = 0
3. Purchase Tax Amount = 200

What is this Purchase Tax Amount field. When it will Update ?

What about this field Amount Loaded on Inventory.

For example I idid not load any Transport charges…. For a purchase invoice.

But Amount Loaded on Inventory Field is showing some Value .

How it is possible could u explain.

Thanks and regards


  • ritesh.singhritesh.singh Member Posts: 123
    Hi Hansika,

    It seems this "Purchase Tax" field is the customized field.

    Loading on inventory option can be enable/disable from the structure card. Structure line has the boolean field called Load on inventory. if this is checked the tax amount will be loaded on the inventory as per the line amout.
    Ritesh K Singh
  • hansikahansika Member Posts: 373

    It seems this "Purchase Tax" field is the customized field..

    No it is not customized field , U can find this field in Pur. Inv.Line Taable( Posted purchase invoice line form)

    U can find this field tax entry tables, Purchase book vat , sales book vat reports also.
    Loading on inventory option can be enable/disable from the structure card. Structure line has the boolean field called Load on inventory. if this is checked the tax amount will be loaded on the inventory as per the line amout.

    I did not place any check mark in Loading on inventory field.

    Still it is showing some amoutn.
    How it is caluclating this amouunt.
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